Calling all the ladies out there! Being an entrepreneur is tough. But what about specifically being a woman entrepreneur? Is it any different, or more challenging?

The answer to the above questions are a combination of yes and no. Nobody doubts that entrepreneurship is a unisex occupation. With that in mind, though, it doesn’t hurt to explore the idiosyncrasies of attitude, character and psychology which make women tick. Because like it or not, men and women think and act differently.

Being a Woman Entrepreneur: Free Online Training Course

Guidance on being a woman entrepreneur

If you are a looking to start your own business or startup, or get into investing, then you’ll want to hear what the Lean in European Women Business Angels have to say. Specifically targeted for women, the 5-week free online training course on being a woman entrepreneur kicks off on November 14 from 12:00 – 14:00 UCT+1. Register here.

Of course if you’re good at what you do, then your sex doesn’t matter. The aim of the Lean in training program is to explore the issues of entrepreneurship and business in general, while also drilling down into the finer details of how things can sometimes be different from the female perspective.

What will I learn?

So, what do you need to know about making your way as a woman entrepreneur? Quite a lot! While I don’t want to give away too many secrets, here’s a glimpse at the content agenda for all of the five sessions planned, with the first, as mentioned, taking place on November 14:

Chapter 1 – Being a Women Entrepreneur- 14/11
Chapter 2 – Understanding the investors- 21/11
Chapter 3 – The perfect pitch- 28/11
Chapter 4 – Be prepared for the deal- 5/12
Chapter 5 – Now what? Working with an angel- 12/12

You can sign up and follow all five chapters, or the only ones that are of interest to you. The aim of the program is linked to the core mission of the Lean in European Women Business Angels – to create a powerful, vibrant community of women entrepreneurs.

“We firmly believe that it is fundamental that Women participate in the development of the world with their knowledge and potential with their own companies. We will built a better world.”  Lean in EU Women Business Angels Network

See you online

As is the message from the Lean In European Business Angels, if you are a woman business angel or your are planning to become one, the free training programme is a stepping stone for helping you boost your investment plans or growing your company. You will, therefore, receive guidance and tips from experts in the field on business strategies. Furthermore, you will get advice in how to find contacts, create powerful relations and synergies. Even on how to detect new investments opportunities and raise funds for your business.

See you online on November 14. Don’t forget to sign up!

P.S. Finally, for a taste of some of the things which will be covered, have a peek at this short video. It’s a quick guide from Entrepreneur Network partner Audrey Bellis, founder of Worthy Women, who gives tips for women who want to become entrepreneurs.

Graham Wood Graham Wood

The Starttech Ventures Storyteller. Studied Journalism with Business at the University of Central Lancashire. Has worked in various product marketing management positions for the likes of Nokia, Samsung and Vodafone, as well as in several journalism and media roles since 2000.