That’s right! We invite you to join the next Athens Support Driven Meetup which is this Thursday, February 21st. And we’ve got a few good reasons for this. As a tech incubator and accelerator, we know a lot about customer development and customer support. And, of course, we love to support communities.

Invitation to Athens Support Driven Meetup

The Support Driven Community

Certainly, we all know how important customer support is, either as professionals or as customers. But Support Driven Community is definitely an expert in this field. People have the power, and this online community’s power is their customer support professionals that add up to 3500 members. Their mission is to keep the community updated regarding the support industry, by organizing mentoring programs and taking many other initiatives.

Athens Support Driven Meetup

Athens Support Driven is the local part of Support Driven community. It offers a lot to the Greek customer support experts. In fact, the community organizes events that bring together experts and those that are now entering this field. Most noteworthy, apart from knowledge exchange, they provide their members with valuable information regarding career opportunities and job openings.

The community is ready to host the 4th Athens Support Driven Meetup at Signal Ocean.

Get a glimpse of the agenda

In short, here is what is going to happen in this Athens Support Driven meetup:

19:00 Socializing
19:15 Support Driven Community News – Join SD Expo Europe 2019
19:30 “Support KPIs: A startup’s primer” by George Psistakis, co-Founder at
“How Blendo migrated from Intercom to Zendesk to scale-up support and identify KPIs that matter”
20:15 “Say what?” by Nancy Dandolos, Customer Success Officer at Signal Ocean.
“Everybody starts off with the best intentions but it can be very easy to lapse into cliched responses that make you sound fake or inauthentic. We’ll get down to the essence of language with real-life examples of how brands use tone of voice”
21:00 Pizza and beers

Furthermore, you can find more information regarding the Athens Support Driven Meetup here:

So, this upcoming Thursday, February 21st, at 19:00, we’re going to learn all about customer support, and more, at Signal Ocean. See you there!

Konstantina Ferentinou Konstantina Ferentinou

The Starttech Ventures Content Marketing Writer. Studied Computer Engineering and Informatics at the University of Patras. She has working experience in technical writing, sales and support related roles. She now focuses on content creation. Channeling her creativity into writing, she hones her ability to communicate the right message through various content types.