The passion is strong, and the purpose is clear. I Mirabilia (“The Wonders”), a family of three interactive dolls, designed for hospitalised kids was announced as the Overall Winner of the European Youth Award 2012.

European Youth Award 2012 — Winner at ‘Wonders: Interactive design for hospitalised kids’

The details of the European Youth Award 2012

From November 22nd – 24th, twelve selected projects from all over Europe competed in a three days event in Graz (Austria) against each other for the top recognition as ICT- entrepreneurs and social changemakers. On the 24th of November, they have been awarded for their outstanding projects at the EYA Gala Ceremony in front of UN, government and business representatives.

Interactive products for children

Interactive products for children are usually fun and educational, but how do we know exactly what children need? Common ways of gathering user requirements don’t necessarily apply to children given their limited language skills and attention span. Also, children might not necessarily know what they need.

With developing the outstanding interactive design of I Mirabilia (EYA Category: Fight Poverty, Hunger and Disease!), a family of three dolls, producer Erika Rossi especially wanted to meet the needs of hospitalized children.

The most challenging part of the project was to understand the conditions of the little patients

says Rossi.

The interactions triggered by the dolls are designed to enable the children to share their emotions, connect to other children and confide in therapists.

The goal was to improve the human to human relationship, through human to machine interaction.

Another award, the Special Award of the City Graz for the best business project went to Bistra Kumbaroska, representing the online youth-platform Mladiinfo – Your Link to Free Education (EYA Category: Education for All!); a global network by students and for students providing information on formal and informal educational opportunities, training and conferences, jobs and internships, grants and contests.

The project aims to reduce the education gap by making information equally available to all; while boosting confidence and encouraging young people to apply to different national, regional and international institutions. Mladiinfo firmly believes that supporting a skilled and competent youth is the key to long-lasting prosperity for the developing world.

Collaborate to Innovate

However diverse the projects are, the winners of this year’s European Youth Award competition share one goal. To reach beyond written visions and to make the world a healthier, wealthier, and more sustainable place, for generations to come.

I strongly believe that today’s young generations do not stand out just for their creativity; but also for their entrepreneurial energy in addressing today´s challenges, in their communities, with their means and their vision

says Lucie Jagu project manager of EYA,

Their actions motivate and inspire instead of communicating gloom and doomsday scenarios.

Find out more about the whole EYA program 2012, the winning projects and keynote guests at:; or visit at and

Dimitris Tsingos, CEO of StartTech Ventures, was among the speakers and key participants at the European Youth Award 2012 Festival; representing YES – European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (

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