Yes indeed, with eFront, TalentLMS & Ethicability. And it’s within the auspices of the 8th People Management Executive Seminar “ CSI: Athens – World’s Top Thinkers solving common leadership ‘crimes’ ”. Incidentally, the seminar takes place on the 24th of October, in Athens.

Manage People with eFront, TalentLMS & Ethicability®

StartTech Ventures’ companies Εpignosis and Psycholate are proud to participate at the event; along with globally well-known key note speakers and market influencers. That’s including Stephen Bevan, Director of the Center for Workforce Effectiveness, The Work Foundation and Chris Roebuck, Visiting Professor of Transformational Leadership, Cass Business School.

Ethicability®: A Tool To Return to Values That Really Count

Pavlos Stamboulides, Psychometrics Solutions Director of Psycholate, contributes with his valuable insight around Ethicability ® framework  and Moral DNA, explaining his belief that being Good is also Good for the business.

The exact title of his input: “Ethicability®: A Tool To Return to Values That Really Count”

Summary Review (available in Greek here)

Above all, it is a moral framework for designing and delivering Leadership and Business Ethics education programs; accompanied by the questionnaire MoralDNA™. However, it is not about compliance training. It aims to touch hearts, to energize people to return to the real moral values. To provide a concrete framework for resolving ethical dilemmas. Used by leading global financial institutions and oil organizations. Either because they wish to continue to exist after 50 years, or because they experienced catastrophic events that started from moral laxity.

eFront and TalentLMSΥour choice!

As an award winning Learning Management System, eFront from Epignosis enables functions such as community learning. It supports the principle of collective knowledge and provides functionality towards personalized learning. Eventually, eFront bridges the gap between Enterprise, Educational, Open-Source and Proprietary learning combining the best from all of them.

At the same time, TalentLMS is the all new “Fastest Path to Awesome Learning”. It is a super-easy, cloud based learning platform for people and customer training. Fully customizable it, thereof, offers course creation within minutes!

Of course, you can keep updating your feed concerning the 8th People Management Executive Seminar (program, speakers etc.)  by clicking here.

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