“It is not about domination, but it is about Sustainability…” This was one of the important messages that Dimitris Tsingos, Founder and CEO of StartTech Ventures included in his shaking presentation during Athens Startup Weekend University.

Shaking the Greek startup scene at the Startup Weekend University

Startup Weekend University

The event which took place on 28th-30th of September was very successful. It hosted 120 students who worked in teams in order to become familiar with the process of developing an idea into a real business.

While showcasing great potential for innovation and hard work, the young “wannabe” entrepreneurs proved once again that Greece’s re-growth foundations are already set by them.

Entrepreneurship is all about being useful and happy!

StartTech Venture’s presence at the event created a significant impact. Being a judge and a key speaker, Dimitris Tsingos underlined important issues on entrepreneurship.

Addressing the students, StartTech VC’s CEO emphasized on the necessity to build real sustainable organizations based on the principles of collaboration, innovation and teamwork.

What makes you really cool? Being Sexy, being successful or being the best on earth? None of the them really! Entrepreneurship is about being useful to another person. Something so simple that makes you happy.

said Tsingos, among other things.

You can read the whole StartTech VC presentation on our Slideshare Channel.

20120930 sv.tsigos as_wuni from StartTech Ventures

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