Students at the Startup Weekend University held between the 28th – 30th of September in Athens focus on the business issues they are asked to work on, while drawing inspiration from experienced and credible advisors.

Starttech Ventures’ experience on startups inspires students at the Startup Weekend University

Among the mentors and judges of the event is Dimitris Tsingos, the CEO οf StartTech Ventures which is the company that succeeded Virtual Trip, the first successful student startup in Greece, back in 2000.

The importance of being close to future entrepreneurs

With a huge experience on business development (gained from Virtual Trip spinning out 10 more startups), StartTech Ventures reflects now on the needs of young entrepreneurs with great respect and consideration.

The company’s presence on the Athens Startup Weekend University Event mirrors both its past as a startup and also its present and future as a business accelerator (operating as Seed Fund, Incubator and Angel Network).

We are happy to be close to dynamic potential future business people who have the abilities to drive Greece’s future forward!

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