A nice infographic with very interesting data on “Trends in European Startups Seeking Angel Capital in Q4 2012”. It was presented by Gust a few days ago, and shared by EBAN.

Trends in European Startups Seeking Angel Capital

NOTE: This infographic is a compilation of Gust data. Therefore the information is biased with the level of implantation of Gust in different countries.

Angel capital in the internet and web industry

According to the graph, 26,10% of startups in Europe seeking Angel Capital are related to the internet and web industry. Business Product building startups account are 7,63% with IT Services startups being at 6,26%. And yes, there is no surprise there. What is surprising is that Mobile startups are only a 3,33%, even less than industrial energy with 4,42%.

According to Gust, two sectors saw significant growth when compared to Q3 2012. It was IT Services with 184% increase, and Clean Technology which had a 135% increase.

Only 8,24% of these startups are in the Revenue Stage!

It is rather interesting (not very encouraging though) that among these startups only 8,24% of European startups seeking Angel capital are in a revenue stage. A large 72,28% is in the Development stage and 8,83% is in Idea stage.

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