Business Angels Week is here! And in the words of the Chemical Brothers, the time has come to galvanize. With a record-breaking 1200 events across 60 countries from November 13-19, some might say it’s a big deal. We agree 100 percent!

5th Business Angels Week

Now in it’s fifth year, Business Angels Week marks a time of year to reflect on achievements and trends in the current year. And to plan investment moves and business focus areas for the next and beyond. It’s within that context that the global business angels community will convene, in various locations globally.

The Business Angels Week

Let’s have a look at just what exactly Business Angels Week has in store for the investment and entrepreneurial community at large.

Business Angels Week is the world’s largest cross-border angel investment awareness campaign. Featuring business angels and entrepreneurs from Europe (EBAN), the Middle East (MBAN) and Africa(ABAN), from 13-19 November 2017! To connect your event to BAW, and to request any additional information, you can contact the team.

The importance of being angels

In our humble opinion, you cannot over-exaggerate the importance of business angels in the early stage ecosystem. They (ourselves included) are often the pillars of entrepreneurial success. Why? Because we provide funding as well as expertise to help startups grow and scale-up. With our alternative Lean Methodology-focused Venture Building program, investors and startups receive an added value. Which is difficult to find elsewhere. How? By providing invaluable marketing and technical support services, on top of the usual package.

Because, in essence, we believe that’s what being an angel investor is all about. Amplifying the real world value that a startup’s product or service often aims to bring. It’s not about short-term provision and a competition-based selection process. Most noteworthy, we see ourselves as companions. We’re in it together, for the journey as much as the end result. We care about growth and success.

Why should you take part in BAW?

I could wax lyrical about the many positive reasons for taking part in BAW. Either as an event organiser or as an entrepreneur, investor or startup CEO. However, instead of that, I’ll give you a list. I like lists. Just a few of the reasons your organization should take part are the below:

  • Raise awareness on the importance of angel investing in your community
  • Contribute to the development of angel investing
  • Connect with diverse entrepreneurial and angel communities
  • Access to some of the sector’s leading investors and experts
  • Visibility of your organization within the ecosystem

If the week of 13-19 November doesn’t suit you, it’s no problem. The BAW network also welcomes events from mid-October to the end of December. Better late than never, as they say eh?

How can you participate in the Business Angels Week?

It’s easy peasy to take part. Here’s how:

  • Associate your event with the BAW and publish it on Business Angels Week website
  • Ask EBAN, MBAN, and ABAN for speakers
  • Share our events on your website

Where angels dare

The investing activity of business angels has become increasingly global as entrepreneurs seek global markets and create global businesses. And this is the main reason that events such as Business Angels Week are vital to the health of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than that, as Candace Johnson, President of EBAN, rightly points out:

“BAW is a time to bring awareness about the importance of Angel Investing throughout the world. It is a time to celebrate entrepreneurship and innovation. And to make certain that entrepreneurs have enough experience, expertise, networking and financing to accompany them to success and sustainability.”

We can’t think of a better description. So, buckle up and enjoy Business Angels Week, wherever you are.

Graham Wood Graham Wood

The Starttech Ventures Storyteller. Studied Journalism with Business at the University of Central Lancashire. Has worked in various product marketing management positions for the likes of Nokia, Samsung and Vodafone, as well as in several journalism and media roles since 2000.