Ah the startup sales pitch. These days it’s very much a fine art. But there’s no need to fear it. It can actually be one of the most exciting parts of your journey in establishing a startup or business.

Being a Woman Entrepreneur: Free Online Training Part 3

But, so you don’t go into it cold, we have something special for you. Yes, chapter 3 of the Being a Woman Entrepreneur FREE online training course from the Lean in European Women Business Angels network is here. And it’s all about creating (and delivering) the perfect pitch. And it takes place on Thursday, November 30 at 12:20 – 13:45 CET. And…well, tune in!

Being a Woman Entrepreneur

If you are interested in being a woman entrepreneur, or maybe you already are in business but need some guidance, then you won’t want to miss the third installment in the training series. If you are following the course, you will know that it covers many aspects of entrepreneurship in general. But, it aims to take a unique look at the nature of the beast through a woman’s eyes.

Following on from the introductory session which explored Entrepreneurship in general, and the second chapter on Understanding Investors, this time the webinar content is focused on how to present your idea. AKA, the sales pitch.

Let’s face it, many people wince at the mere thought of presenting. Imagine presenting your business idea to a room full of investors. It sounds intimidating. Indeed it can be. But the important thing is that it doesn’t have to be. You just need to be prepared.

Things to consider

There’s plenty to take into account in preparing your sales pitch. Before starting on the practical tips and tricks for that, the training session will explore some of the main aspects which you need to have clear before you even start to think about the pitch, such as:

  • What drives the company?
  • How will it grow / Growth Proposition (GP)?
  • How will it scale?

Once you have the [detailed] answers to these, you’re ready to get started on your pitch. In the session, you will learn in depth about the structure and format rules of the pitching game. What makes some pitches standout against others? What are the dos and don’ts? And what, if any, are the secret ingredients to help you mesmerize investors and get what you’re looking for?

While you may think your core idea is the key, more often than not, that is not the most significant aspect. The majority of investors and VC’s interviewed said they value the ‘why’, behind an idea. After that, the startup team members in terms of drive, energy and character is the standout vital ingredient. So, what would seemingly be the perfect pitch? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

See you there!

To get yourself in the mood for all things pitching, you can also check out two of our recent blog articles where we discuss what makes the perfect pitch, and the lessons we learned on this most exciting of topics at the EBAN Munich Summit last month.

Happy reading and see you online on Thursday, November 30 at 12:20 – 13:45 CET.

Graham Wood Graham Wood

The Starttech Ventures Storyteller. Studied Journalism with Business at the University of Central Lancashire. Has worked in various product marketing management positions for the likes of Nokia, Samsung and Vodafone, as well as in several journalism and media roles since 2000.