If you are a startup in need of help, or have a great business idea, then we’ve got some good news for you. It’s called MAZINNOV.

MAZINNOV: The French Connection

What is Mazinnov?

Excusez-moi; pardon? Basically MAZINNOV is a French-Greek network innovation forum. It’s focused on launching startups as well as giving a platform for the business ideas of tomorrow to be heard, today.

And the French Embassy is organizing the second edition of the event on November 10-11. Still waiting for the good news? OK, here it comes. Two entrepreneurial programs, ‘ADOPT a STARTUP’, and ‘IMAGINE THE GREECE OF TOMORROW’ are being offered.

And you have until September 30 to submit your pitch and/or ideas.

The forum, which is something we at Starttech have supported since its inception last year, also offers a great opportunity to listen to and meet major French and Greek innovators.

Program details

Without further ado, here are the details of the two programs:


A selection of French and Greek companies will adopt startups even at their early stage, offering them their support by providing advice, networking, and development assistance. Just send a one-minute video presenting your project with the application form (available via the website, www.mazinnov.com).

The adopting companies and the winning adopted startups will be presented to the audience at the forum, on Friday, November 10.


Do you have an idea imagining the Greece of tomorrow? Organizers are looking for an innovative idea in the following fields:

  • agriculture
  • tourism
  • environment
  • energy
  • reform of the state
  • shipping
  • finance
  • disability
  • the place of art in the workplace

Send your application in a one-minute video format presenting your idea (one minute) along with the application form (again, available from the website, www.mazinnov.com). You’ll then have three minutes to pitch your idea at the forum on Saturday, November 11. A jury will vote for the most promising ideas.

In addition, startups can apply for both programs. For more information, follow MAZINNOV on Facebook @MAZINNOV and on their website: www.mazinnov.com.

Good luck!

Graham Wood Graham Wood

The Starttech Ventures Storyteller. Studied Journalism with Business at the University of Central Lancashire. Has worked in various product marketing management positions for the likes of Nokia, Samsung and Vodafone, as well as in several journalism and media roles since 2000.