Kicking off the Startup life Q&A series we catch up with Ioannis Belegrinis, Head of Design & User Research at Starttech for a quick chat.

Startup life: Q&A with Ioannis from Starttech

Multi-tasking at its finest…

Q1: So Ioannis, what is it that you do in Starttech?
Coordinate the startups’ and Starttech teams, and help them build a brand identity, plan effectively and avoid derailments.

Q2: What do you enjoy doing the most?
Doing important final touches to a logo.

Q3: What’s your proudest Starttech work moment so far?
This one over here.

Q4: And something your least proud of? Work-related please, let’s keep this as clean as possible.
Having not explained a design decision, and, as a consequence, having to accept work not worth doing (both for me and the startup). Really bad.

Q5: How would you characterise the kind of startup which Starttech would like to invest in and help incubate?
Most importantly, one whose people are able to present their idea, as well as to show a working prototype that they have been creating.

Q6: Right, let’s move on to the more important aspects of your daily routine. What’s the first thing you do when you get to the office?
Evaluate coffee requirements and make appropriate arrangements. Also ask peers if they watched that film I had suggested the day before.

“There is more growing value produced by the startup teams here, than if it was just an idea factory.”

Q7: Which tools do you use daily and do you have any secret tips and tricks which help your productivity?
A comfortable working space. A large screen also helps. A lot.

Q8: What’s your favorite Spotify playlist when you need to be productive?
I don’t like Spotify; what’s your favourite?

Q9: What would you say to anyone considering getting involved in a startup?
Avoid co-founders who get together a lot to do brainstorming”; prefer people who do actual work.

Q10: OK, time for a few quick fire questions. What’s the last message you received on Slack?
“I’m good, thanks”.

Q11: If you were dropped onto a desert island which album would you take with you?
Desert Sessions 9&10.

Q12: Star Wars or Star Trek?
No stars.

Q13: Which Matrix character would you be and why?
What’s with these films!?

Q14: What’s your favourite breakfast? Bear in mind we know you have a reputation for consuming incredible amounts of calories on an hoy basis.
Bughacha tiri (That would be a cheese pastry – Ed).

Q15: Cookies or doughnuts?
No Dunkin’ Donuts in Athens means I prefer cookies; everybody knows that.

Q16: Right. Let’s get serious again to finish things off nicely. So why should a startup come to Starttech?
If they need more than just money, we could possibly help.

Q17: And why should an investor or fund invest their money in Starttech?
There is more growing value produced by the startup teams here, than if it was just an idea factory.

Thank you Ioannis. Now get back to work, and go easy on the cookies.

Graham Wood Graham Wood

The Starttech Ventures Storyteller. Studied Journalism with Business at the University of Central Lancashire. Has worked in various product marketing management positions for the likes of Nokia, Samsung and Vodafone, as well as in several journalism and media roles since 2000.