Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Or so they say. In any case, we believe that you can never be too prepared.

That’s why we recommend that you tune in to Chapter 4 of the WEs High-Level Coaching Programme” FREE online training course, developed by the Lean In the EU Women Business Angels Community. It will take place on Thursday, December 14th 2017, 12.30 – 1.30 CET. Why? Because you will learn everything there is to know about developing your fledgling business and be prepared to make a deal with investors.

WEs High-Level Coaching Programme: Free Online Training Part 4

The course, offered by the Lean in European Women Business Angels community, offers a great opportunity for women entrepreneurs to explore and learn the ins and outs of entrepreneurship. Last time it was all about how to create and make the perfect sales pitch. This time, things are getting serious. You have to close a deal which makes everyone a winner, and then develop your business.

WEs High-Level Coaching Programme

If you are an aspiring woman entrepreneur, or perhaps you are already in business but need some guidance, then you won’t want to miss the fourth installment in the training series. If you are following the course, you will know that it covers many aspects of entrepreneurship in general. But, it aims to take a unique look at the nature of the beast through a woman’s eyes.

Following on from the introductory session which explored Entrepreneurship in general, the second chapter on Understanding Investors, and the third which was all about making the Perfect sales pitch, this time the webinar content is focused on Developing your business idea.

What Chapter 4 has in store

You’ll learn about how to set your goals effectively and develop your business idea. The course talks about using SWOT analysis to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your company or potential idea.

However, perhaps the most important part is preparing for negotiations with investors. How does business valuation work, how do investors screen and perform due diligence? And what are the different types of financing you need to be aware of? Questions, questions. Tune in on Thursday, December 14th 2017, 12.30 – 1.30 CET, to get all the answers and be prepared for your big deal with investors.

See you online!

So, there you go. The “WEs High-Level Coaching Programme” journey continues with the penultimate training session. The only thing left to do now is register for the FREE online course here and tune in to the webinar on Thursday, December 14th 2017, 12.30 – 1.30 CET.

Graham Wood Graham Wood

The Starttech Ventures Storyteller. Studied Journalism with Business at the University of Central Lancashire. Has worked in various product marketing management positions for the likes of Nokia, Samsung and Vodafone, as well as in several journalism and media roles since 2000.