The big moment for Greece’s finalist in the global startup competition Chivas Venture is here. That’s right, online voting is open and you can help TOBEA, inventors of the SEATRAC system which helps people with mobility issues to access the sea, to win.

Chivas Venture: vote for TOBEA, the Greek startup aiming to change lives

Up for grabs is a share of $200,000 in funding, which will enable TOBEA Founder Ignatios Fotiou to scale up and reduce the cost of each device. This will make it more affordable for municipalities and hotels to install on their beaches.

Fotiou and his team will represent Greece in the grand final which will take place in Amsterdam on May 24.

Cast your Chivas Venture vote for TOBEA today

How do you vote? Easy, just visit the Chivas Venture website here and cast your vote for TOBEA. Be careful you only get one vote so make sure you get it right. Voting is open until April 25 so get your votes in fast!

TOBEA’s SEATRAC system enables those with reduced mobility to get in and out of the water, safely and independently. The mechanism is simple; a specially-shaped chair moves along two fixed rails bringing it, and its occupant, in and out of water. SEATRAC uses solar energy as the only source to power it, making it self-sufficient and environmentally friendly.

In 2017 alone, the device was used 13,000 times in 61 beaches in Greece, Italy and Cyprus.

Check out TOBEA’s candidacy video here:

“As an engineer, I live to solve problems, and I keep trying until I find solutions. My personal moto is ‘always be on the creative side of life’,”

says Fotiou.

He adds:

“When I saw people using SEATRAC including the elderly, pregnant women and people with multiple sclerosis, I knew that I wanted to bring this to as many people as I could. The joy on their faces and the instant community with their peers, taught me the beauty of things I had taken for granted.”

The Chivas Venture story

This is an initiative we love. Why? Because of its nature in developing businesses which have as their overall goal to give something back to society at large. So far this year, Chivas Venture has received over 8,000 applications from six continents from all kinds of startups whose central aim is to change the world for the better.

This year, the candidate startups are trying to address social and environmental issues, as well as health care issues. More benefits are also on offer this time round. As well as offering a total amount of $1 million in prize money, Chivas Venture also pledges to offer startup mentoring and support services.

Exciting times for TOBEA and all the startups involved. We wish TOBEA the very best of luck!

* For further details about the Chivas Venture initiative, visit the Chivas Venture website. #ChivasVenture

Graham Wood Graham Wood

The Starttech Ventures Storyteller. Studied Journalism with Business at the University of Central Lancashire. Has worked in various product marketing management positions for the likes of Nokia, Samsung and Vodafone, as well as in several journalism and media roles since 2000.