Are you a dreamer, a doer and an innovator involved in the Greek startup ecosystem? Then you surely don’t want to miss StartupNow Forum 2019.

StartupNow Forum 2019 is loading…

Whatever stage you’re at, or your status, the event offers a perfect opportunity to learn, connect and network with some of the best talent and leading stakeholders in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Save the date. October 23-24, at Technopolis. More details on tickets and the agenda are available on the official website.

It’s only the second time that this excellent event is taking place after last year’s successful launch at Elefsina. And, this year, it’s even closer to the heartbeat of the Greek capital. With the promise of being “the first forum in Greece that focuses on closing real deals”, it’s a real chance to put your idea on the table for investors.

What is StartupNow Forum 2019?

To begin with, this is not just another startup event. For those entrepreneurs with serious aspirations for their projects, it’s about getting down to business. It’s also an event that we, at Starttech Ventures, fully support as sponsors. It represents another example of the powerful momentum Athens – and indeed Greece – demonstrates and appears to be winning its battle against the odds.

Aside from that, at a practical level, StartupNow Forum 2019 aims to set a benchmark for collaboration, in practice among entrepreneurs, startups, corporations and investors in Greece. Featuring B2B meetings, panel discussions, workshops, exhibition and awards, it all adds up to a plethora of great reasons to attend.

Starttech Ventures “in the house”

We will, indeed, be taking an active part in StartupNow Forum 2019, organizing a workshop that sums up the essence of our Lean Venture Building Program. What is that, you may wonder? Well, it’s all about creating a “noise-free” environment for young B2B tech startups. We want to simply impart our experience and knowledge to the startup eco-system; and try to fire up some insightful conversation on all things related to getting a startup going and then scaling up.

Our workshop is titled: A practitioner’s account of how conventional wisdom often fails in the world of tech entrepreneurship — A few pertinent lessons learned that gave birth to the Starttech Ventures Lean Venture Building Program and it will take place as a separate, parallel event.

The Starttech Ventures’ CEO, Dimitris Tsingos, will be there to answer questions and share a few pearls of wisdom, gleaned from his experiences. If you want to be among the audience for our workshop, you can book your ticket here. We’ll also have a presence at the central stage of the StartupNow Forum 2019. See the full, final schedule here.

Who is StartupNow Forum 2019 for?

The StartupNow Forum 2019 is for anyone involved in the Greek startup community, or with an interest in it. But, to be a bit more specific:

For Startups: networking and feedback

There’s a startup competition and ample networking opportunities for pre-seed, seed and early stage startups that need to get their prototypes, their products and their business ideas in front of accelerators, investors and potential customers. Why? To pitch for possible funding, mentoring advice, and to validate their ideas and get precious feedback. Indeed, it’s a great opportunity to exchange ideas, get advice and guidance. And, of course, set the ground for collaborations and business deals that will take your team one step closer to success.


A bit more detail on the competition. Anyone who has a new idea and prototype or MVP (minimum viable product) can submit their ideas; and get the chance to be among the teams who reach the next step and pitch their business (complete solution) in order to get to the final stage and win in the StartupNow Awards. Competition and awards info is here.

For Investors

If you’re looking to invest, StartupNow Forum 2019 offers the ideal opportunity to meet leading startups, join forces, and create synergies and opportunities for collaboration with other partners.

For Corporations and SMEs

Let’s not forget the existing corporations and businesses out there. The future is here and you should not miss the chance to be part of it, and help shape it. Over the two days, there will be ample opportunities for corporations to get involved and see innovative solutions. Ones that could be adapted and introduced to your company.

StartupNow Forum 2019 is also green!

In fact, this time around, the event is also inaugurating a series of parallel “green” events. These events aim to blend ecology and green issues with technology. It’s a case of entrepreneurship meeting environmental issues. The events are as follows:

  • GreenTech Symposium – a discussion on the burning issues around GreenTech.
  • GreenTech Awards – for companies that are, or plan to be involved in green entrepreneurial initiatives.
  • Innovation on Fire – innovation in the Agro-food sector.

Check out the website to learn more about all of these topics.

Last but not least, a match made in heaven

When a perfect pitch meets the perfect investors, with the perfect product-market fit and perfect business model, then miracles can happen. And even unicorns can happen! And perhaps the main attraction at the StartupNow Forum 2019 is that it opens up a match-making platform for one-to-one meetings between startups and investors, businesses and startups, and every possible combination of all participants and categories. Think of it as the Tinder of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, only much better, without the hassle and disappointment.

Be there, at the StartupNow Forum 2019!

All that’s left to say is be there! Book now your early bird tickets here, and we are looking forward to meeting you.

Graham Wood Graham Wood

The Starttech Ventures Storyteller. Studied Journalism with Business at the University of Central Lancashire. Has worked in various product marketing management positions for the likes of Nokia, Samsung and Vodafone, as well as in several journalism and media roles since 2000.