“Entrepreneurship can turn old Europe young again”. That was one of the messages which brought together entrepreneurs from all around Europe in Athens, Greece, back in June 2014, when the 1st European Young Entrepreneurs Conference was organized there.

Young Entrepreneurs of Europe come together in Yerevan, Armenia – EYEC11

One of that event’s most pleasant surprises had been the participation of a delegation of young entrepreneurs from Armenia; Europe’s easternmost nation. It is with great pleasure then that we are witnessing today the 11th consecutive 6-monthly European Young Entrepreneurs Conference, EYEC11 that is, to be ready to kick-off in Yerevan, adding this beautiful & historic city to the EYEC-host-cities list: Athens, Rome, London, Katowice, Budapest, Thessaloniki, Stockholm, Madrid, Hamburg & Hannover and Porto.

It’s no secret that at Starttech Ventures we are Yes for Europe’s passionate advocates. Our Founder, Dimitris Tsingos served as the Confederation’s President from 2011 to 2015. We then proudly share the news about the 11th European Young Entrepreneurs Conference, which takes place tomorrow, June 12th through the 15th in Armenia. It aims at serving as a platform for new long-lasting partnerships among entrepreneurs.

What is YES for Europe

YES for Europe is the main association of Young Entrepreneurs in Europe. Founded back in 1988, YES for Europe aims at the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit within Europe and beyond. Representing young entrepreneurs under 40 years old, this pan-European network of entrepreneurs is a driving force towards regional economic growth; leveraging entrepreneurship as a vehicle.

Among other activities, Yes for Europe conducts “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs”, a cross-border exchange program for aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as this biennial European Young Entrepreneurs conference, while it also represents the Young Entrepreneurs of the European Union to the G20 Young Entrepreneurs Alliance.

11th European young entrepreneurs conference

The 11th edition of this six-monthly conference will take place in Armenia, a crossroads between Europe and Asia. Reflecting, as such, one of its main goals to open up new horizons beyond Europe. Participants will get the chance to build co-operations with successful entrepreneurs from all over the world. Thus, revamping the mission of EYEC to #ScaleUpEurope.

The original goal of the European Young Entrepreneurs Conference initiative was to work towards the development of the European Entrepreneurial Identity. In particular, to overcome the fragmentation barrier, letting entrepreneurs in Europe enjoy a truly united, massive European market.

Furthermore, among other challenges to overcome, it was about “reconstructing a competitive economy. And regaining the momentum of global business and thought leadership in Europe. All that, being a prerequisite to sustain and further improve the European living standards”, as Dimitris Tsingos had originally stated.

Stay tuned

Connect with Yes for Europe on Facebook and on Twitter and take part to the conversation with #EYEC11 and #ScaleupEurope on social media.

Konstantina Ferentinou Konstantina Ferentinou

The Starttech Ventures Content Marketing Writer. Studied Computer Engineering and Informatics at the University of Patras. She has working experience in technical writing, sales and support related roles. She now focuses on content creation. Channeling her creativity into writing, she hones her ability to communicate the right message through various content types.