What is the most precious giveaway each one of us can offer for free? In particular, one that can have a huge impact in another person’s life? Well, it’s giving blood, of course, and as the title denotes once again, we’d like to invite you at the fourth in a row on-site blood donation we’re organizing with Epignosis at their HQ, here in Athens, on Tuesday, January 21st from 09.00 – 13.30.

Join us in blood donation at Epignosis

It’s in our blood to give blood

Being fully aware of the fact that almost each one of us can give blood and that at the same time we are all likely to be in the need of it one day, we, Starttech Ventures and Epignosis, organize this blood donation every year. With almost a hundred employees — not an insignificant number of people to organize such an event, right — we aim to give ourselves the opportunity to offer the greatest of gifts. And as it happens with any blood donation initiative, ours too is open to anyone that wants to be part of this good-health and life saving offering.

In the end, giving blood is more a human matter rather than a corporate one.

So, let us give you a few more details on what giving blood is all about, in a way to warm up your drive to participate.

Thinking of becoming a blood donor? Why not?

If you have previously given blood in the past, or simply attended a blood donation event, then you will probably be in the know on all the aspects of giving blood. If not, here are a few things you should know in advance: 

  • The process takes only 30 minutes.
  • Your body can replenish the donated blood within 24 hours.
  • You can get back to work right after your blood donation. You only need to avoid rigorous exercise for a few hours.
  • If you are indeed a blood donor, just remember that there needs to be a 3 months gap between your previous blood donation.

If you have any further questions, you can visit the Word Health Organization website or (for the Greeks) you may consult the website of the National Center of Blood Donation.   

Be generous, be there  

A few days after our gifts’ give-and-take’s with our beloved ones, it’s time for all of us to pay it forward. Here’s when and where:

When: Tuesday January 21st from 09.00 – 13.30
Where: Epignosis HQ, Lykourgou 1 Str, 3rd Floor

Don’t just save the date, come and give blood with us. In the end, as we mentioned in the beginning giving blood is the most precious giveaway and the best way to start the new year. So, join us!

Konstantina Ferentinou Konstantina Ferentinou

The Starttech Ventures Content Marketing Writer. Studied Computer Engineering and Informatics at the University of Patras. She has working experience in technical writing, sales and support related roles. She now focuses on content creation. Channeling her creativity into writing, she hones her ability to communicate the right message through various content types.