As you may have noticed, we launched a global competition to attract skilled workers to Greek start-ups. Anyone who holds the required skills can win a job at a startup in Athens. Well, ten candidates, to be exact. We will also help them relocate to Greece. And, to make things easier, we conducted a survey, followed by an informal “Work in Greece” webinar, to get things going. And, here’s why:

“Many companies worldwide are testifying about needing to recruit but not finding talent. Starttech is taking the next step by showing precisely what is required and creating a process where people worldwide can apply. I hope this campaign can inspire many others”, says Sohrab Fadai, Founder and CEO of Heartspace PR, which is responsible for the study and campaign.

1st Work in Greece webinar

The 1st “Work in Greece” webinar

Our 1st “Opportunities to work in Greece” webinar happened on Wednesday, September 21st; and we were happy to see people from all over the world join us. We had candidates from places like Dubai, Pakistan, Lebanon and New York, just to name a few. And, while we’re mostly looking for software engineers at the moment, we were exceptionally happy to see sales people, IT specialists and even students and junior developers take interest in this competition.

Needless to say, it is with great enthusiasm that we finally see people of all walks of life and all sorts of different lifestyles slowly, yet steadily, becoming citizens of the world. And we love the fact that, despite the many interesting destinations, they’d choose to come work with us, in Athens! But, why are we mostly looking for software engineers?

Why we’re looking for software engineers

Well, we wouldn’t want to bring you all the way out here for no good reason. So, we conducted a survey, to find out what specialties we need most. Sure enough, the survey showed that Greek startups find it extremely difficult to recruit the software engineering talent they need.

To add to the picture, Greek start-ups are restricted in their growth, due to difficulties finding the right people to fill the vacant positions. What this means is, we need to look everywhere under the sky for the talent we need. And, this global competition of ours, will help interested parties win a job and free legal and administrative support in obtaining an EU visa.

If you’re curious about our findings, you can find the survey here.

Covering all the bases

During the webinar, we hope that we managed to sufficiently cover all the bases regarding the process of taking care of all the pertinent formalities and relocating to Greece. It’s a fairly straightforward 7 step process; but we still had to answer a few questions. 

Of course, we’re not done yet. This was only the first part of our effort in advocating for diversity in our companies; and, of course, going to great lengths to find and bring the best talent there is to work with some of the best startup environments in Greece, if not in Europe.

Go on and register, today!

We’d like to welcome anyone interested to take part in our global competition. Just as a reminder, the basic requirements are:

  • to have the software and programming skills that our start-ups are looking for and 
  • to know enough English to communicate on a work-based level.

We do build on great successes, such as AbZorba Games, Epignosis and Yodeck. But it should be clear that we specialize in early-stage B2B SaaS companies and we focus on founders from the Eastern Mediterranean and SE Europe.

Now, if you can see yourself in what we’ve described here, why don’t you give it a try? Besides, as we found out during the webinar, all of our international colleagues are really happy to be here, working with us!

Happy to announce our 2nd “Opportunities to work in Greece” live webinar!

For anyone that may have just joined us, we’re happy to announce our “Opportunities to work in Greece”. Join us and find out all you need to know about relocating and working in Greece!

Mark the date!

Thursday, December 8th, 2022
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM (EET, Europe/Athens time)

Starttech Starttech