Investing in space: the route to the stars
Space. The final frontier. Or is it? I like to think of it as the starting frontier; the place we must “return to”, to have any hope for the future of the human race.
Space. The final frontier. Or is it? I like to think of it as the starting frontier; the place we must “return to”, to have any hope for the future of the human race.
Is investment strategy the reason behind why very few businesses succeed while most of them fail?
Fundraising and investing. It’s all about the elusive chase for those unicorns isn’t it? Wrong.
There’s a buzz around Greek startups. Well, the whole country’s entrepreneurial ecosystem to be precise.
In recent months, all the key players at the heart of Greek entrepreneurship are talking about the EquiFund program. And with good reason.
The point I want to make is about how often Venture Capital investors simply write off their investments. Which is what matters most for the entrepreneur, since for them it is a binary event — either they will make it, or not.
Can Venture Capital really end the Greek brain drain? The short answer, in our humble opinion, is yes.
If you’d like to be one of those investors that know what they’re talking about, let’s talk about timing and investments, and how this is a game of sentiments, shall we?
Equifund Athens. Two words which signal an unprecedented development for Greek startups, the country itself and all of the East Mediterranean. Proof if ever it was needed (it isn’t) that investment is alive and kicking here.
If you are asking yourself that question, then you are already a daring entrepreneur going for something you truly believe in. Or at least we at Starttech Ventures hope so.