One of the main reasons that can make a startup fail is the lack of an organized team with different talents and attributes. Passion is of course important for young entrepreneurs but a team needs to include people with diverse abilities and specialties. And it is not just about employing a marketer or a finance specialist. It is about employing people who can produce actual perceived value for your company.

A Knowledge Seeker: These people are never satisfied with their existing knowledge on how to do things. They always seek to improve their abilities and perception of things. In the long term this will improve the team as a whole! You need to identify them and always give them the time they need to learn new things.

A knowledge seeker will influence the whole team!


A Multi-Talent: These people just have the ability to produce top level results in different disciplines. They can help you when you become overwhelmed or when staff is very limited.

An Opinion Leader: Opinion leading people can be very useful at all times, only as long as their opinion is important of course. They have a strong influence on your team, they can be your social media advocates, and they can “produce” morale boosting when things get tough financially.

A secret Mentor: Ok, this person does not have to be part of your team. However, it can be someone from your industry who will be willing to give you advice. Find him, talk to him and explain why he is very useful. Most people will very much enjoy to act as mentors for young entrepreneurs.  

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